Easy & Delicious! Vegan Taco Rice


My husband and I have always wanted to share our vegan cooking recipes and our travels over the states & foreign countries! My husband is a travel nurse and we’ve been to so many states already, so hopefully we can share how we travel, how we eat/cook vegan, and cool spots we’ve been as well! This is why we decided to create a blog and it’s so exciting! 🙂 We hope everyone reads this blog will find our blog interesting, fun, helpful, and inspiring!

I, writing this blog post, am from Japan and moved to the US because I met my love of my life, which is my husband now, here in the US! So,,,English is my second language. I hope my English is not too broken for you guys to understand haha

My first language is Japanese, second is English, third is Chinese, and fourth is Spanish and I’ve been learning it using Duolingo! Language is very interesting and I want to learn even more languages!!! So maybe I can share how I learn languages too 🙂

Anyway, today I’m going to share one of our favorite vegan recipes!

It’s Vegan Taco Rice.

Let me explain first.

In Japan, we have Taco rice which is pretty popular especially among young people. It’s like a Mexican fusion food in Japan and it tastes absolutely delicious. And I made it meat & dairy free! And my husband loves it!(He’s from the US)

I’m thrilled to share my recipe!!

It’s super easy to make, nutritious, healthier, and most importantly, tasty.

Ingredients:(serves 2 people)

  • Tomato :1
  • Avocado :1
  • Onion :1/2
  • Cilantro: as much as you desire or none if you don’t like cilantro
  • Tofu(firm or extra firm) :1pack
  • Garlic(could be garlic powder, minced garlic, garlic gloves, or whatever you like)
  • Cayenne pepper(we use powder)
  • Soy Chorizo(we always get this at Trader Joe’s) :as much as you want to add
  • Your choice of oil(we use grape seed oil)
  • Rice(we use Calrose rice! and mix some quinoa together)
  • Tortilla chips(you only need some crumbs for toppings)


Cook the rice

First of all, start cooking the rice. We like to cook rice with quinoa. That way it’s healthier, and more nutritious. And we love the texture!

Chop all the vegetables.

Chop tomato and avocado into dice, onion into fine dice.

Chop cilantro into about 1cm each.

Put oil and garlic into the pan.

Heat the oil and garlic until you can smell the garlic.

Remove water from tofu with paper towel and smash it.

Put the paper towel around the tofu and pat to remove water and smash with hand into the pan.

Put the soy chorizo at the same time and sauté together.

Add cayenne pepper. Sauté until it gets drier texture.

Keep sautéing. The texture will look like ground-beef.

Add some salt if you need. And the vegan taco meat is done!

Put your rice in the bowl, and put the vegan taco meat, all the vegetables over the rice.

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You can put some nutritional yeast on top so it gives you “cheesy” flavor. Also, sprinkle some tortilla chip crumbs for the crunchy texture!

And enjoy!!

I hope you like this recipe and try!

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