Japanese vegan meal recipe(shiitake rice, salad, & miso soup)

I’m originally from Japan and I love Japanese food!!

But a lot of them contain fish stock. Do you think it’s difficult make Japanese food vegan?

The answer is absolutely NOT!

You can be creative and make your food even more tasty. While Japanese food is delicious, it’s relatively healthier. So I highly recommend for people who are on a diet, or wanting to lose weight. It’s lower calories but it nutritious.

This time, I’m going to show you how I cook vegan Japanese style meal.

I made shiitake mushroom rice, salad, and miso soup.

Shiitake mushroom rice


  • shiitake mushroom: as much as you want
  • sake
  • soy sauce (you can add more after it’s done if you want)
  • mirin(it’s sweet, so don’t add too much)
  • rice(I use calrose rice)
  • quinoa(optional)


It’s so easy! Isn’t it?

And trust me…. it’s so delicious. Sake gives you a lot of umami as it cooks. So does shiitake.

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