Places you should visit in New Mexico!

Hello! I lived in New Mexico for about a year and I really loved it.

Today I’m going to share the places that you should definitely visit in NM!

I also write a blog in Japanese, please check it out if you like to read in Japanese.

Why you should visit New Mexico?

There’re millions of reasons but first of all, the weather is so nice. It’s almost always sunny. The air is dry. It does get pretty hot in summer but at least it’s not humid like Florida. Believe me, I used to live in Florida and I liked it, but it was very humid.

Second of all, the nature is very beautiful and unique. NM is pretty much desert over all and it’s beautiful. There are a lot of national parks and state parks. And there are a lot of hot springs!! You would never get bored in this state.

Thirdly, NM is an artsy state. There are a lot of artsy towns and museums.

White Sands National Park

White Sands National Park is in southern NM.

Wow! it’s just… wow…. Isn’t is gorgeous!? It just looks like snow!

These white sand dunes go hundreds of miles… You should definitely visit there! You won’t regret.

You can enjoy sledding there, they sell and rent sledding boards.

↑pictures of my husband & me ツ

Santa Fe

Santa Fe is the capital of New Mexico! So why not visit there?

Santa Fe is in Northern NM. It gets pretty cold during the winter due to its high altitude, it’s actually higher than Denver!

Santa Fe is a very artsy, old southwest city and you can see a lot of arts in town. There are a lot of jewelry shops, restaurants, and cafes. You can spend a whole day there.

Here are some places that I like in Santa Fe.

↑It’s a French restaurant/cafe and their pastry and crepes are delicious ☺︎

↑It’s a third thrift sotre and it’s a huge space. They sell a lot of local stuff like jewelry & clothes they also sell brand new clothes. You can see a lot of southwest style fashion. I highly recommend you to visit.

↑My husband got me this cute jacket at the store! I love it so much! This one was brand new.

Meow Wolf

Meow Wolf Santa Fe is in Santa Fe so you should visit there while you are in Santa Fe.

This museum is filled with modern, unique, flashy, and very interesting arts.

You can take millions of pictures for your IG ツ

Riverbend Hot Springs

This place is a hot spring resort in southwest of NM.

Soaking in nature is such an amazing feeling.

The water is very clean and well maintained.

It’s by the river and you can enjoy the view from the pools. The rooms are very nice too.

How did you like it?

I hope this blog post made you want to go to New Mexico.

Living in NM was absolutely nice. Things are affordable, diverse community, people are nice, and I like how there are a lot of open spaces.


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